There is an entry on this blog that answers questions like “How do I put check boxes inside a datagrid?&… 続きを読む Using a CheckBox in a DataGrid in ActionScript 3.0 [AS3] – I Want a CheckBox Inside a DataGrid that Behaves Like a CheckBox
タグ: ui
ActionScript3.0のDataGridでCheckboxを使いたい [AS3] – Checkbox CellRendererを作る
Using a CheckBox in a DataGrid in ActionScript 3.0 [AS3](⇐ In English) ビジネスアプリケーションにとってデータの操作は基本中の基本。だから、GUIコン… 続きを読む ActionScript3.0のDataGridでCheckboxを使いたい [AS3] – Checkbox CellRendererを作る